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Dean's Honor List at JAFA (Fall 2022 and Spring 2023)


Dean's Honor List at JAFA (Fall 2022 and Spring 2023)

The Architecture students listed below have achieved a remarkable feat, earning a well-deserved spot on the prestigious Dean's Honour List for Fall of 2022 and/or Spring of 2023 at the Jamal Abed Faculty of Architecture (JAFA). Dean Mohamad Nasri commends their outstanding academic achievement and unwavering pursuit of knowledge, and encourages other students to take inspiration from their success and follow in their footsteps.


  1. Miled Fadi Antoun,                                   Fall 2022
  2. Reham Sleiman Jdaydeh,                        Fall 2022
  3. Mariam Fawaz Khoder,                            Fall 2022
  4. Mariam Mustafa Ghassan Maaliki,           Fall 2022
  5. Aya Mohamad Nasri,                                Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
  6. Maya Mostafa Soufan,                              Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
  7. Rawan Fouad Tarabulsi,                           Fall 2022


To be placed on the Dean's Honor List at the end of a given term, a student at JAFA must:

  1. Be registered for a minimum of 12 credits
  2. Have passed all the courses of the term and attained an overall average in the required courses of 85 or more
  3. Not be subjected to any disciplinary action within the University
  4. Not be on probation



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